Original Equine & Western Art by Shannon Lawlor

An authentic and unique offering of original art primarily featuring equine & western subjects.

Shannon is well respected for her significant contributions in preserving the legacies that are the foundation of this treasured way of life. The details of her original artwork appeal to the most discriminating collectors and she is widely acknowledged as the premiere portraiture artist within the western performance horse industry.


"Woody Be Tuff"

"Woody Be Tuff"

PRESERVING THE LEGACY of the one and only Woody Be Tuff can be checked as one of my greatest honours to date.

Not only deemed THE ULTIMATE OUTCROSS, Woody is the utmost specimen through my artistic eye. In the depths of winter, I created this 3ft x 4ft acrylic painting, falling more in love with this horse with every dip of the brush. BUT when I delivered the original painting to Solo Select Horses and the girls took me to meet him, it became apparent how madly beautiful and perfect . Woody really is at 24 years of age. His characteristics which I became intimately acquainted with after countless hours at the easel, I could not bear in person. His kind soul and perfectly curated head and neck just made me cry. All encompassing, in the flesh, he was more than my artistic brain could fathom, making this circle so complete and full for being given the gift and opportunity to Preserve the Legacy of one of the greatest stallions in the Quarter Horse breed.

Melanie Smith, thank you for entrusting me with your boy for Kaleb Terlip. There just aren’t enough words.

- Shannon Lawlor



"To enrich future generations by preserving the values and icons of traditional western culture and immortalizing the legacies of the great horses that have uniquely contributed to both modern society and individual family units "